FAQs - Price's Pimiento Cheese Spread

frequently asked questions

Looking for answers to all your pimento cheese questions? You’ve come to the right place!

Answers and Info about Price*s

Unfortunately, we cannot respond to requests or free samples. And we do not sell or ship our pimento cheese spread directly to consumers. If you wish to check availability of any of our products, please use the Store Locator. Please note that currently Walmart and Sam’s Cub stores do not participate in our Store Locator, however many Walmart stores do carry Price*s. If you have a question that wasn’t answered below, please feel free to contact us.

Where can I find Price*s Pimiento Cheese Spread?

To see if Price*s Pimento Cheese Spread is available in your area please visit our Store Locator.

Can I order directly from Bel Brands USA? Can I order online?

Sorry, we do not sell or ship directly to consumers. However, you can find Price*s on many retailer websites, Instacart and Amazon.

Is your pimento cheese spread Kosher?

No, our products are not Kosher.

Is your pimento cheese spread pasteurized?

Yes. All of our pimento cheese spreads are made with cheese that was produced using fully pasteurized milk.

Does Price*s need to be refrigerated?

Yes. For safety and best quality, Price*s Pimiento Cheese Spread should be refrigerated at all times, when not being consumed.

Is Price*s available in bulk for foodservice applications?

Yes! Bulk foodservice orders can be made from the Bel Foodservice website.